Privacy Policy

At, we're committed to fostering an inspiring, useful, and supportive community environment. Our community guidelines capture these values, promoting respect, value addition, and inclusivity. Here's a summary of our key principles:

1. Respect: We encourage all members to be respectful of others, embracing diversity in backgrounds, locations, and perspectives.

2. Value Addition: Every interaction should contribute value to the community, ensuring relevance and significance.

3. Zero Tolerance: We strictly prohibit soliciting follows or shoutouts within the community, maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for such content.

As the premier influencer marketing platform, aims to cultivate a safe and inclusive environment for all participants. To uphold this standard, we've established clear guidelines regarding behaviour and content. We reserve the right to ban any user who violates these rules or any additional rules we may implement in the future.

Our platform serves as a hub for all stakeholders in the influencer economy. We encourage users to share their high-quality influencer content, engage with others' content, and participate in community activities such as AMAs, webinars, and educational sessions. However, we do not condone overly promotional, misleading, or spammy content. reserves the right to assess content suitability and remove any content that doesn't align with our standards.

  • Here are specific types of content we do not accept
  • Nudity or sexual content
  • Promotion of guns, ammunition, or weaponry
  • Content related to tobacco products, smoking, or vaping
  • Promotion of products prohibited by local or national government
  • Harmful or dangerous content
  • Hateful content targeting individuals or groups based on various characteristics
  • Violent or graphic content
  • Harassment and cyberbullying
  • Spam, misleading metadata, and scams
  • Threats
  • Copyright violations
  • Impersonation

Additionally, we prioritize user privacy and safety. We do not tolerate the sharing of personal Information without consent or engaging in predatory behavior, stalking, or intimidation. We also comply with copyright laws and respect users' intellectual property rights.

For any privacy concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal Information. You can find more Information about our privacy practices in our Privacy Policy.

We also maintain policies specific to different features of our platform, such as Campaigns. Thank you for being a part of our vibrant and creative influencer community at!

This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") outlines how your Information ("Information") is collected, retained, used, and protected concerning the services ("Services") provided on the Application of ("Application"/"us"/"our"/"We"). It ensures compliance with applicable laws.

By accessing or using our Application, you agree to comply with this Privacy Policy and consent to the collection, retention, and use of your Information as described herein. If you disagree with any terms of this Privacy Policy, refrain from accessing or using our Services.

We prioritize the protection of your online privacy and safeguard any shared information on our Application.

Your access to and use of our Services constitutes a legal agreement between you and us. By accessing or using our Application, you confirm your legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement with us.

This Privacy Policy delineates the types of Information collected, retained, and processed by our Application. We collect, retain, and process your Information to facilitate smooth service delivery. Your Information remains secure with us and is not shared unless you provide consent through our Application.

We ensure robust server security to protect your Information. However, no data is entirely immune to hacking. If you encounter such issues, report them to us via the provided contact information.

This Policy reflects our current data protection policies and may be modified periodically. Any alterations become effective upon posting the revised Policy on the Application. Regularly reviewing this Policy ensures awareness of updates. Continued use of the Application implies unconditional acceptance of the Policy.

To provide seamless service, we collect various Information:

Personal details such as name, email address, and contact information upon registration.

Technical Information including IP address, mobile network, device ID, and operating system.

Cookies for user recognition and preference storage.

User-generated content, such as photos and campaign-related data.

Information related to product usage, transactions, and interactions with our Services.

We may also receive and analyze content, communications, and Information provided by other users of our Services.

We share your Information only with third parties involved in service provision via our Application. Your Information may also be used to defend legal rights, enforce policies, comply with government requests, or for marketing purposes with your consent.

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you authorize us to use your publicly available photos for social media, marketing, and advertising purposes.We may use your Information to send newsletters, updates, and notifications related to our Services through various communication channels.

Your consent to share Information with third parties enables us to proceed with such sharing.

We collect data through third-party services to verify credentials, ensure privacy, and enhance service delivery. Cookies aid in user recognition and preference storage. While you can decline cookies in your browser settings, note that they are crucial for fraud prevention and application security. 

We employ stringent measures to protect your sensitive Information, although no data is entirely immune to hacking. If you encounter misuse of your Information, report it to us for appropriate action.

We retain your personal Information as necessary for service provision, legal compliance, dispute resolution, business purposes, and other legitimate interests.